Animal Factory Amplification - Vivisect Module
- Order number: 210153
Vivisect is a compact module for attenuating, inverting and summing four signals - whether audio or CV, all channels are DC-coupled. Each input has its own output, and there are also two summing outputs, one of which outputs an inverted signal.
What at first looks like a fifth channel is an additional circuit that provides a separate offset between +/-5V. This offset can be added to the mix via the offset button. Another additional circuit is a white noise circuit with a voltage of about 10V on a separate output.
Jumpers on the back of the module allow normalization of input 1 to one or all of the other three inputs. The Vivisect is excellent for self-patching and for creating asymmetrical clipping in connected filters or VCAs, for example.
Vivisect @AFA
Animal Factory Amplification is the fuzzy, distorted and noisy creature of Aditya Nandwana, born in 2013 in Mumbai, India.