Shakmat Modular - White Gallop
- Order number: 190050
- Depth: 22
Limited Edition! The White Gallop is an alternative variant of the Knight's Gallop from the same manufacturer. Maybe even the opposite. The Knight's Gallop is an expert for somehow regular pattern generation. The White Gallop on the other hand can be used to create more irregular and asymmetric patterns. Also here the two outputs can complement each other or be operated independently. This module is a very welcome and also musical extension to the Knight's Gallop.
Also the White Gallop is very flat, very power saving and built with high quality potentiometers and buttons. As with his colleague, the latter can be used to simply tap in in beats. New is an Auto Reset function after 8 or 16 steps. The total length of a pattern can be set between 1 and 16 steps. There is a potentiometer for this. The other poti sets the number of beats / pulses, i.e. the density. Two shift buttons can be used to move patterns forward or backward. The two outputs can be conditional or independent.
Available are:
Main Mode (MN), Compute Mode (CP), Random Mode (RD), Dual Mode (DL) and Record Mode (RC). The latter two do exactly what they are named after. In Record Mode the buttons can be used to enter beats. The CV inputs are inactive in this mode.
There are five different ways (Tables) to generate patterns:
- As straight as possible (we think this is self-explanatory)
- Length minus pulses (Non-Euclidean pattern would be a description)
- Accelerando (patterns increase in pulse density towards the end.)
- Decelerando (patterns decrease in density towards the end. For math fans: The Fibonacci series is used for the calculation.)
- Fill Next (Quote from the manual: "Fills the pattern step after step. Starting with the beginning.")
In combination with the five modes mentioned above, this results in a huge range: from techno to trap to totally weird and sometimes beyond.
HE: | 3 |
TE: | 8 |
Depth: | 22 |
White Gallop auf der Shakmat-WebseiteAnleitung (englisch)