Serge Modular - GTO
- Order number: 230111
- Depth: 25
Serge Modular GTO - novel timbres for your Eurorack. An oscillator derived from the essential SSG module.
Enter GTO: Coming from the Serge SSG, Serge Tcherepnin's new oscillator design adds stable tracking, a hugely enhanced frequency range and new ways of sync-ing.
The Smooth/left side now goes up to 20khz, the Stepped/right side up to 8khz. All while being able to track 1V/Oct over at least five Octaves.
Another addition is the SYNC (smooth section) and RUN (stepped section): This gives you sort of a sync / reset behaviour. SYNC really is sync, i.e. resetting the Cycle waveform to 0. RUN adds Track and Hold to the Stepped Side. GTO runs free and holds when RUN is high. This can be combined with the SMPL input.
Besides the better known DUSG (Dual Universal Slope Generator) the SSG (Smooth/Stepped Generator) represents the heart of Serge patching philosophy. While the DUSG concept is partially responsible for the ongoing modular fascination by inspiring Make Noise Maths and all its offspring, the SSG concept is often deemed as "complicated". Yes, it is still mindboggling to us, that you can yield such complex results by cleverly combining basic circuitry. But after all, this is what makes patching such fun.
Actually Serge's GTO/SSG are simple modules - with unlimited applications. They both are (just!) two "Lag and Hold" processors: Two slew limiters combined with a T/H on the left side and with a S/H on the right side, lots of CV control and a Coupler/comparator in the middle. And in case of GTO some added “extras”.
The manufacturer modestly states that you can do "quite a few things" with GTO. Here we go:
- (Dual) Slew
- (Dual) Portamento
- (Dual) Oscillator / LFO
- Metallizer
- Triggered Staircase Generator
- Subharmonic Generator/ Divider
- (Dual) VCA / Lowpass-gate
- Sample and Hold & Track and Hold
- Set of Comparators
- Trigger Delay
- Envelope Follower,
- Quadrature Function Generator,
- “Bit-Crusher” name a "few"
HE: | 3 |
TE: | 18 |
Depth: | 25 |
Power consumption +12V: | 45 |
Power consumption -12V: | 40 |
GTO @Random Source
Serge Modular has always been devoted to preserving the legacy of Modular synthesizers, while expanding and modernizing it at the same time. With Random Source they also keep the innovative spirit of the late Jürgen Haible alive.