Landscape - HC-TT (V2)
- Order number: 190329
HC-TT is short for Human Controlled Tape Transport. - In other words, you can play cassettes by hand. Version 2 has two transport controllers. This allows you to move an unmodified tape forward and backward. In combination with the Mute switch, cutting is even possible.
For inserting a cassette just lift the playback knob all the way up, put the tape in, drop down the knob shaft into cassette spindle - ready!
By turning one of the playback controls, you rotate the spindle and move the tape past the internal read head. Thanks to the two transport controls, you don't need a modified endless tape to move the tape forward or backward, in contrast to version 1, which has only one transport controller.
The round touch-plate in the top left is a momentary mute.
There is no motor in this device. It does not record, only outputs pre-recorded audio from a cassette.
HC-TT @Landscape
Landscape is all about tactile interfaces and anyone who grew up listening to cassettes will want to have a HH-TC.