Erica Synths - Desktop Matrix Mixer
- Order number: 210380
16 x 16 Desktop Matrix Mixer
Matrix Mixer has 16 DC-coupled 3.5 mm jack inputs and outputs each on the front panel and 2 6.3 mm inputs and outputs each on the rear panel. The large jack sockets are normaled to the first two inputs or outputs on the front panel. Connections between inputs and outputs can be attenuated in three steps which is especially useful when patching between different synthesizer formats (e.g.: Eurorack / Buchla Music Easel). 254 patches can be stored and recalled manually or via MIDI. Alternatively, you can also create random patches. At a later date there will be adapter cards for EMS Synthi and Buchla Music Easel.
Desktop Matrix Mixer @Erica Synths
Erica Synths from Riga (Latvia) started with a whole line of Polivoks module clones about a decade ago. A lot has happened ever since and they have now one of the largest module portfolios in the eurorack world, all featuring their signature black front plates.