Synthesizer Evolution (by Oli Freke)

- Order number: 220599
Synthesizer Evolution traces the history of these special sound creators and illustrates them in a premium-quality way.
Whether it's a modular synth or a DX7 on stage at Top Of The Pops, synthesizers always captivate with their audiovisual presence. Additionally, from prog-rock to techno, there is no genre of music whose creation and evolution they have not fueled, making them revered by keyboardists, music producers, and electronic music fans alike.
In Synthesizer Evolution: From Analogue to Digital (and Back), their influence on music and culture is celebrated with extensive research and a detailed directory of their major exponents in categories such as synthesizer, drum machine, and sampler between 1963 and 1995. In addition to passionately compiled facts, each synth is hand-drawn(!) illustrated. Accompanying technical information such as the various types of synthesizers can also be found throughout the 128 pages of high-quality, crust-printed paper.
@Synth Evolution
It's synths all the way, baby! Synth Evolution covers the fascinating history of these highly influential devices in modern culture.