Noise Engineering - Xer Mixa Bundle (Black)
- Order number: 230500
In this bundle of Xer Mixa and Expando Expandi you get an excellent hybrid mixer with 10 stereo channels including CV control.
What a pleasant surprise! Not only the delightfully simple name “Xer Mixa”, but also the incredible hybrid 10-stereo channel mixer module that it represents!
Xer Mixa is one of the biggest and most complex mixer modules for Eurorack. It features 10 stereo inputs, of which 8 are equipped with faders. Each input channel can be muted by a switch (clickless) and there is MIDI i/o available. The output section consists of a set of 3 assignable stereo outputs. That is about all you can see on the panel – all but the big screen!
At this point it should be clear what to expect – a hybrid mixer module with the expected analog signal path and digital control for parameters. For each channel you can set pan-law settings, pre- or post-fader sends. All this works very easy because of the screen and clear menu structure. Group inputs and manage the outputs, save everything in a preset and re-call it whenever you need it. Excellent!
For CV control of almost every parameter you add the expander with the suitable name “Expando Expandi” to the equation. Now you got 8 assignable CV inputs.
The expander module with the name that sounds like a spell taught at Hogwarts - Expando Expandi. Connected to the Xer Mixer module it provides you with 8 assignable CV inputs to control channel levels, pan, aux sends, and more. If these 8 CV inputs are not enough, get professional help, or add another 4hp expander! Up to two Expando Expandi can be connected to a single Xer Mixer.
If you want to control your Xer Mixa with cv signals, you have to add the Expando Expandi expander to your mixer: Therefore we recommend to get this bundle right away!
Xer Mixa Bundle @noise engineering
If you can get over the unpronounceable Latin names of their modules, Noise Engineering offers a wide catalog of often digitally-driven modules in a compact format. Basimilus Iteritas Alter is already a modern classic that covers all your bass and percussion needs. Noise Engineering are based in sunny Los Angeles, California.