Noise Engineering - Xer Mixa (Black)
- Order number: 230496
What a pleasant surprise! Not only the delightfully simple name "Xer Mixa", but also the incredible hybrid mixer module with 10 stereo channels it stands for!
Xer Mixa is one of the largest and most complex mixer modules for Eurorack. It has 10 stereo inputs, 8 of which are equipped with faders. Each input channel can be muted with a switch (clickless) and there is MIDI i/o. The output section consists of a set of 3 assignable stereo outputs. That's about all the self-explanatory stuff you can see on the panel - except for the big screen!
At this point it should be clear what to expect - a hybrid mixer module with a proper analog signal path and digital control of the parameters. For each channel, you can adjust pan-law settings, pre- or post-fader sends, and more. All this works very easily thanks to the screen and clear menu structure. Group inputs and manage outputs, save everything in a preset and recall it when needed. Great!
For CV control of almost all parameters, there's the expander available - conveniently named "Expando Expandi". Now you have 8 assignable CV inputs.
Xer Mixa @noise engineering
If you can get over the unpronounceable Latin names of their modules, Noise Engineering offers a wide catalog of often digitally-driven modules in a compact format. Basimilus Iteritas Alter is already a modern classic that covers all your bass and percussion needs. Noise Engineering are based in sunny Los Angeles, California.