Herbs and Stones - Liquid Foam
- Order number: 200352
Liquid Foam is a monophonic analog groovebox with two sequencers. Clock in- and outputs are mini-jack. Everything else is banana.
Liquid Foam consists of: VCO, LFO, VCF, VCA with overdrive, decay envelope, clock generator and two sequencers. By interconnecting the two sequencers, complex sequences can be created from these simple building blocks as easily as straight 4/4 sequences. The oscillator generates three waveforms (Triangle, Square, Sawtooth) which can be mixed with the Wavemixer. The way note values are generated is unusual, but allows a very intuitive playing. The inputs A, B and C are played with gates from the sequencer or the LFO and thus provide 7 note values. The Pitch control determines the general tuning of the oscillator and depending on when and which gate is fired, new note values are determined in the sequence. Sequencer B follows Sequencer A but in relation to the LFO (at each step the state of the LFO is sampled, if it is in positive phase a gate is fired). Five 30cm banana cables are included. A power supply is not included. A Boss-style 9V (negative center) can be here can be ordered.
Liquid Foam @Herbs and Stones
From the mountains of northern Italy come the devices of Herbs and Stones. The cherished boxes are always a little different and include synthesizers, drums, filters and mixers.