Elektron - Octatrack MkII Anniversary Edition

- Order number: 200450
The Octatrack MkII is an eight-track sampler with remarkable sound design capabilities. Its sequencer features tracks for the internal sound engine and for external MIDI gear. Thanks to a new sharp OLED display and precise hi-resolution encoders, it is easy to programm. Furthermore, it has been updated with a contactless silky smooth performance crossfader, balanced audio inputs and an increased amount of dedicated buttons enabling quicker workflow. The Octatrack MKII is still the standard for sampling!
The intuitive and powerfull inbuilt Elektron sequencer provides 8 audio and 8 MIDI tracks with up to 64 steps per pattern. Thanks to individual track lengths and track time signatures, polyrhythm is easy to create. Furthermore the sequencer features parameter locks, trig conditions, sample-per-step change, micro timing, retrig functionality, swing and slide, and full real-time control of all parameters.
At the back of the Octatrack MkII there is a CompactFlash card storage. Samples can be streamed directly from the CF card. Up to 256 patterns can be saved per Project, each providing 8 arrangements and 256 sample slots.
The Octatrack MkII features 3 LFOs per audio and MIDI track. The eight MIDI tracks provide an arpeggiator and up to 10 configurable CCs. The eight audio tracks offer two user selectable effects per track.
Available track effects:
- 12/24dB multi mode filter
- 2-band parametric EQ
- DJ-style kill EQ
- 2-10 stage phaser
- Flanger
- 2-5 tap chorus
- Spatializer
- Comb filter
- Compressor
- Lo-Fi (SRR, BR, Dist and AM)
- Echo freeze delay
- Gatebox plate reverb
- Spring reverb
- Dark reverb
Octatrack MkII @Elektron