Cwejman AP-1 Mk2 Audio Processor

- Order number: 120431
- Depth: 25
You want to feed microphone or instrument signals to your modular system? – Not a problem for the AP-1 Mk2! The module features a preamplifier with 48 V phantom power for condenser microphones, a compressor with editable side chain filter and parallel processing capability as well as a voltage controlled envelope follower. The sound is reminiscent of high-class studio mixers. – Typically Cwejman!
We currently do not accept pre-orders for Cwejman products. If you are interested in this module, please use the availability notification. The number of Cwejman circuits is limited. Therefore, we recommend you to order online IMMEDIATELY when a module becomes available. Enquiries via e-mail or telephone are usually not fast enough. (More detailed information can be found on the product page.)
The Mk2 version of the AP-1 comes equipped with a new state of the art preamplifier for microphone, line and high-impedance instrument signals. The input level can be increased in seven steps from +6 dB to + 60 dB using a rotary switch. A red LED provides visual feedback in the event of distortion. A toggle switch allows you to select either the XLR microphone or the 6.3 mm instrument input. The first mentioned socket can be fed with 48 V phantom power.
The compressor offers a rotary switch for choosing between inactivity, ratio values ranging from 1.2 to 14 and limiting. A high-pass or low-pass with variable cutoff frequency can be added to the side-chain. Using the mix knob, it is possible to crossfade between raw and compressed audio material. Thus, parallel dynamic processing is not a problem for the AP-1 Mk2. An audio input allows you to use the compressor on its own.
Last but not least, the AP-1 Mk2 features an extremely fast, very precise envelope follower. Attack and release behavior can be set manually plus there are CV inputs for both parameters. The envelope follower emits CV and gate signals.
Levels at the audio output of the AP-1 module are visualized by an eight-stage LED meter.
HE: | 3 |
TE: | 18 |
Depth: | 25 |
Cwejman WebsiteGordon Reid/SoS on Cwejman Modules Part 1
Gordon Reid/SoS on Cwejman Modules Part 2
Gordon Reid/SoS on Cwejman Modules Part 3