Buchla 292e Quad Dynamics Manager (alt)

- Order number: 130108
The 292e is a quad lopass gate. This is a circuitry that can be used as a lowpass filter, as a VCA or as a particularily naturally sounding combination of both. A mix function is integrated as well.
It's pretty identical to the original 292 but features additionally velocity control and parameter storage.
A channel has three modes of operation: low-pass is a low pass filter, gate is a VCA and combo is a combination of VCF and VCA. Latter emulates the behavior of acoustic insturments which produce more harmonics at high levels.
The channel's gain is set with a potentiometer and a voltage at the black level input from -120dB to +3dB. Additionally ther's a grey velocity input, it's amount of modulation is determined by the gain.
Besides the dual audio outputs per channel there is a sum output which means you can use the 292e as a mixer, too.
HE: | 4 |
292e auf Buchlas Webseite;http://buchla.com/shop/modules/292e-quad-dynamics-manager/