4ms Dual EnvVCA
- Order number: 220643
- Depth: 24
The Dual EnvVCA doubles the power of the EnvVCA delivering two channels of its VCA and envelope combination.
The VCA is based on a DC-coupled, very low-noise circuit, making it equally suitable for control voltages and audio. Ideal for stereo applications and basically everything you need a VCA for.
Really exciting though are the two envelopes, which each have a rise and fall slider (so basically an AD envelope) with selectable speeds so you can always choose just the perfect attack and decay times. Furthermore, there are extensive CV control options as well as EOR (End of Rise) and EOF (End of Fall) outputs to patch these modules internally or control other events in the rack.
Also nice to see here are feedback-giving LEDs about speed and polarity, individual attenuators for all Rise and Fall parameters, as well as Follow input jacks which allow for slew limiting, envelope following, sidechaining, ADSR and exciting filter effects.
- Versatile linear envelope generator/LFO
- Low-noise, low-distortion, DC-coupled exponential VCAs
- 100% analog
- Sliders and Range switches control Rise and Fall times from ~1.25ms to ~5 min.
- Time CV jack extends time range: ~125µs (8kHz) to ~30 min.
- Independent attenuverters for Rise and Fall time
- Blue/Red LEDs indicate strength and polarity
- Cycle buttons for looping envelopes (LFO)
- Trigger input jacks fire a one-shot envelope
- Cycle gate input jack toggles cycling for both channels
- EOR/F (End of Rise/Fall) gate outputs can be used to chain and sequence events
- Env Level and Offset knobs scale and shift Env Out without changing VCA volume
- Audio In and Out jacks for passing audio or CV through the VCA
- VCA CV inputs to use VCAs independently from the envelopes: VCA gain internally connected to envelope output when VCA CV jack is left unpatched
- Follow input jacks allow for slew limiting, sustain (ASR), and exotic filtering effects
- Re-trig jumpers allow for re-triggering during rise phase
HE: | 3 |
TE: | 16 |
Depth: | 24 |
Power consumption +12V: | 156 |
Power consumption -12V: | 131 |
Dual EnvVCA @4ms
Dual EnvVCA Manual
Based in Portland (Oregon, US) Dan Green and Jeannot Quenson had a years experience already building guitar pedals. Since one input/output and tone and volume control felt a bit limiting, they applied their knowledge and passion to building a wide range of modules. Their collaboration with Matthias Puech (developer of the Clouds' Parasites alternative firmware) and Gary Hall (designer of the Lexicon PCM42) have proved to be very fruitful.